Confession to My Students

If you fail to learn the differenceBetween a gerund and a participle,Your prospects for college and careerWill not perish in a pit of oblivion.If you do not take an interestIn Shakespeare or Dickinson, Austen or Frost,You will still make your way in life,And provide for yourselves and your families.Your learning and growthWill not bring you [...]


I have heard a lot of people lately referring to Thursday as "Friday Eve." I can relate to that. I love, however, to have two workdays that I truly enjoy without necessarily wishing for the weekend. I have always treasured Fridays at school, and I have felt something was missing when a holiday prevented me [...]


I take symbolic meaning from this first day of spring. The equality between daylight and night time signifies to me a powerful moment of balance. The annual cycle reaches points of equilibrium in March and in September. Even the summer and winter solstices represent a balance, each being the other in opposite. All of this [...]

Gratitude Journal

Years ago, when I worked at the elementary school, a student gave me a blank journal. With it, I took hold of an idea going around at the time and started a gratitude journal. I had done exercises before related to lists of things for which I was thankful. I enjoyed taking inventory of my [...]

Sunday Music: The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem

On this lovely Sunday, my partner and I have just returned from a Sunday brunch celebration for a dear friend, and we are preparing to host a St. Patrick’s Day party for who-knows-how-many people.  We will serve the traditional Irish-American (definitely not Irish) corned beef and cabbage, and will likely have as part of the [...]


Adolescent, a colonist in Britannia,Kidnapped and made a slave--Across the water, in a land whose peopleWill one day revere him,Mythologize him,Immortalize him.He toiled in despair,Served in hopeless bondage.Then, faith and will delivered.And in yet another land,Now lettered and anointed,Frocked and mitred,He sought return,But not to family, nor delights.Servitude converted to ordinance,His walking staff to a [...]

Streamlining Education–In the Spirit of Father Guido Sarducci

The relevance of curricular topics is rarely lost on teachers, but we have some trouble in making it clear to students.  We see this tendency most clearly as adolescence begins.  Students learn some important things in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade; regrettably, typical American middle-school students merely learn odd fragments of units, they take three [...]