
When I closed my eyes some years ago
And saw in the darkness a presence I knew
From my earliest memory as an infant,
I felt as if I had returned to something.

And sacred books then told me
To visit that realm every chance I had,
That there I would find the Way
That the workaday world would conceal from me.

So with faith and hope I returned always
To pay my breath and forsake my longings.
Yet never have the oppressors relented,
In the land of open eyes and daily cares.

The transaction has now broken down,
And all I have left is my devotion
To an entity I once thought owed me peace,
But to which I now know I owe everything.

7 thoughts on “Recompense

  1. This is the kind of stuff I try to write for myself and end up scrapping. I love what this piece invokes in my feelings- longing, searching, returning… thank you for this!

  2. Paul – this is haunting and beautiful at the same time. I am saddened by the “transaction has broken down” part, but then buoyed by “to which I now know I owe everything.” So much here – looking forward to revisiting later to take another look again. Thank you for this.

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